Association of World Election Bodies
The Association of World Election Bodles is composed of the General Assembly, the Executive Board, the Oversight & Audit Committee and the Secretariat. All A-WEB members are involved in the process for the appointment of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and the Executive Board members.
- Chairperson
- The Chairperson of A-WEB serves as the head of the association for a term of two years and presides over the General Assembly and the Executive Board meeting. The Chairperson shall be the head of the election management body that hosts the General Assembly.
- Vice-Chairperson
- The duties of the Vice-Chairperson include assisting the Chairperson in carrying out important tasks and standing in place of the chairperson to act as a deputy when he/she is absent. The Vice-Chairperson also serves a term of two years.
- Secretary General
- A candidate for Secretary General shall be nominated by the Executive Board and the appointment of the candidate to Secretary General shall be approved by the General Assembly. The Secretary General shall have a term of office of three years and serve up to two consecutive terms.
- General Assembly
- The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making body of A-WEB. It comprises all its members and holds meetings every two years.
- Executive Board
- The Executive Board shall consist of the heads, or the duly designated representatives, of not more than twenty election management bodies elected at the General Assembly, guaranteeing a well-balanced representation of each continent. The Executive Board members shall serve a two-year term of office.
- Regional Offices
- In accordance with the A-WEB Charter, regional offices may be established as necessary
- Oversight & Audit Committee
- The Oversight & Audit Committee shall consist of three members drawn from the A-WEB membership outside of the Executive Board. The members of the committee shall serve for a single term of three years.
- Associate member
- Regional election associations that agree to subscribe to the A-WEB Charter shall be eligible for associate membership of the Association. Associate members may fully participate in A-WEB programs. Associate members may receive financial support and other assistance in accordance with the criteria to be determined by the Executive Board and approved by the General Assembly.