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Who We Are

Home Who We Are Secretariat Headquarters Headquarters

A-WEB Secretariat

Located in Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea, the Secretariat comprises around 15 experts in election and related fields. It plans A-WEB’s activities and performs its duties in accordance with the decisions of the Executive Board and the General Assembly.

  • Planning Team

    Managing the administrative affairs of the Secretariat, including budget and accounting, human resources, and regulations

  • Engagement Team

    Organizing and coordinating the General Assembly, Executive Board meetings, and international conferences; developing and maintaining relationships with members and partners; and planning and executing engagement activities and initiatives

  • Communications Team

    Facilitating communication and cooperation among member EMBs; publishing institutional materials; managing online platforms and owned media; planning and producing promotional content; and handling tasks related to A-WEB meetings

  • Training and Electoral Observation Team

    Planning and executing Capacity Building Program on Election Management/ Electoral Observation Program; analyzing the world electoral system; Publicizing the organization to domestic institutions and handling media coverage

Contact Us

  • Address : Michuhol T., 12 Gaetbeol-ro, Incheon Metropolitan City, 21999 Republic of Korea
  • Tel. +82 32 930 7200 | Fax. +82 32 930 7299
  • E-mail. aweb131014@gmail.com