○ Presidential Election
- Seat: 1
- Term of office: 4 years
○ Parliamentary Elections
· Chamber of Deputies
- Seats: 513
- Term of office: 4 years
· Federal Senate
- Seats: 81
- Term of office: 8 years
· Mayors
- Seats: 5,568
- Term of office: 4 years
○ Election system
· Number of polling stations: 16,000
· Opening and closing time of polling stations
- 8 am and 5 pm respectively
· Number of registered voters: 147,306,295 (2018 elections)
· Voter turnout: 79.67% (2018 presidential election)
· Voting age: 18
- Presidential: absolute majority through two round system
- Chamber of Deputies: open list proportional representation
- Federal Senate: elected through plurality of vote in First-past-the-post voting elections for alternatively one-third and two-third of the seats
- Local elections
1. city council elected open list proportional representation system.
2. mayors are elected in mixed system depending on the population of the municipality (~200,000 FPTP >200,000 two-round system)
· Voting process: Cast their ballots by entering the number that represents their candidates in the electronic ballot machine.
· Counting process : Votes are counted electronically in a highly secure manner. Once voting is over, 1. The voting data is decrypted and uploaded into what is called a “guiding program.”
2. From there, for presidential elections, the votes are tabulated by the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), while for other elections the data are read at the local precinct before being sent to the Regional Electoral Tribunals and then to the TSE.
· Time to take to announce voting results in the country: Late night on election day