○ Presidential Election
- Seat: 1
- Term of office: 4 years
○ Parliamentary Elections
· Members of House of People
- Seats: 275
· Senators
- Seats: 54
- Term of office: 4 years
· Prime Minister
- Seat:1
○ Election system
· Number of registered voters: 328 (2017 election)
· Voter turnout: 100% (2017 presidential election)
· Voting age: 18
-Presidential: Indirectly elected by members of both houses of the Federal Parliament of Somalia under the exhaustive ballot method.
- Parliamentary
1. The 54 members of the Upper House were elected by the state assemblies.
2. The 275 members of the Lower House were elected by 14,025 delegates from different regions in the country.
3. Each member of parliament was elected by an electoral college of 51 people appointed by the 135 Traditional Elders.
· Time to take to announce voting results in the country: Immediately after conclusion of election