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Election Data

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○ Presidential Election    

 - Term of office: 6 years


 Parliamentary Elections

 · Parliamentary

 - Seats: 120

 - Term of office: 5 years


 Election system

 · Number of polling stations: 2,365

 · Opening and closing time of polling stations

  -  8 am and 4 pm respectively

 · Number of registered voters: 3,014,434 (2017 election)

 · Voter turnout: 56.32% (2017 presidential election)

 · Voting age: 18 

 - Presidential: Directly elected by absolute majority popular vote (in 2 rounds if necessary).

 - The Prime Minister

   1. Nominated by the parliamentary party which holds more than 50% of the seats. 

   2. The nomination must then be approved by the president. 

   3. If no party holds more than 50% of the seats, the president may select the party that will nominate a prime minister.

 - Parliamentary: 

   1. Closed-list proportional representation system

   2. There is a five percent threshold for gaining representation. 

   3. Parties are capped at 65 seats total.


 · Voting process

   1. Election Announcement

   2. Candidate Registration

   3. Lot-Drawing to determine the candidates’ number designation 

   4. Voting ( Verify National ID Card -> Receive Ballots -> Mark Ballots -> Cast Ballots )


 · Counting process 

   1. The results of the PCOS(voting machine) are printed. 

   2. The manual counting is done and recorded in the report. 


 · Time to take to announce voting results in the country​: 1 day