○ Presidential Election
- Seat: 1
- Term of office: 5 years
○ Parliamentary Elections
· Senate
- Seats: 100
- Term of office: 4 years
· Sejm
- Seats: 460
- Term of office: 4 years
○ Election system
· Number of polling stations: 27,286
· Opening and closing time of polling stations
- 7 am and 9 pm respectively
· Number of registered voters: 30,253,556 (2019 elections)
· Voter turnout: 61.74% (2019 parliamentary elections)
· Voting age: 18
- Presidential: Absolute majority, the two-round system
- Prime Minister: President appoints with approval of the Sejm
- Senate: Direct universal suffrage, in single-member constituencies
- Sejm: Open-list proportional representation in 41 multi-member constituencies
· Voting process: Cast vote for one constituency list by putting an "x" mark in the box on the ballot paper on the left-hand side thereof, adjacent to the name of one candidate on the list.
· Counting process
1. The ward electoral commission inscribes in the record of voting in the ward.
2. The constituency electoral commission establishes the results of voting for each constituency list and prepares the record of the results of the voting in the electoral constituency.
3. The chairperson of the constituency electoral commission shall immediately transmit the data from the record to the National Electoral Commission.
4. The National Electoral Commission shall make a preliminary determination and publish.
5. The constituency electoral commission shall conduct allocate seats to the entitled constituency lists.