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Central Election Commission of Taiwan
EMB : Central Election Commission
Website : https://www.cec.gov.tw/english
Join : 2013
EMB Information

1. Date of your organization's establishment: 1980


2. Type of organization:

□ Constitutionally independent organization □ Department within government Legally independent organization


3. Composition of Commissioners (e.g., Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons, one Secretary General, nine Commissioners): one Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson and 9 Commissioners


4. Method of selecting the Chairperson:
□ Elected Appointed


5. Term of the Chairperson (Head) of your organization (please select one):

Until retirement age

Permanent with no limit

Fixed term (years) 4 years


- Reappointment possible: Yes No


6. Total number of staff (based on full-time employees at all levels of the organization): 261 

7. Primary roles and functions of the organization (please select all that apply):

Election management


Voter registration


Delimitation of electoral districts


Management of political party affairs


Management of political funds affairs


Enactment and amendment of the Election Law


Voter education


Mediation of electoral disputes  Investigation and enforcement against election law violations