- Central Election Commission of Taiwan
- EMB : Central Election Commission
- Website : https://www.cec.gov.tw/english
- Join : 2013
- EMB Information
1. Date of your organization's establishment: 1980
2. Type of organization:
□ Constitutionally independent organization □ Department within government ▓ Legally independent organization
3. Composition of Commissioners (e.g., Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons, one Secretary General, nine Commissioners): one Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson and 9 Commissioners
4. Method of selecting the Chairperson:
□ Elected ▓ Appointed5. Term of the Chairperson (Head) of your organization (please select one):
□ Until retirement age
□ Permanent with no limit
▓ Fixed term (years) 4 years
- Reappointment possible: ▓ Yes □ No
6. Total number of staff (based on full-time employees at all levels of the organization): 261
7. Primary roles and functions of the organization (please select all that apply):
▓ Election management
□ Voter registration
▓ Delimitation of electoral districts
□ Management of political party affairs
□ Management of political funds affairs
▓ Enactment and amendment of the Election Law
▓ Voter education
□ Mediation of electoral disputes ▓ Investigation and enforcement against election law violations