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Supreme Election Council of Republic of Türkiye
EMB : T.C. Yuksek Secim Kurulu
Website : http://www.ysk.gov.tr
Join : 2013
EMB Information

· Year of Establishment : 1950


· Number of Members​ at EMB : 11


· Main functions of EMB :

1. To execute all the functions to ensure the fair and orderly conduct of elections from the beginning to the end to carry out investigations and take final decisions during and after the elections on all irregularities complaints and objections concerning the electoral matters 

2. To receive the electoral records of the members of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye

3. To receive electoral records of the Presidential election and to issue a record in the name of the one elected as the President

4. To determine procedures and principles with respect to forming updating management and supervision of the electoral register

5. To take leading decisions and to make other arrangements on matters related to the application of this Law and on the issues falling within the scope of duties powers and responsibilities of it 

6. To prepare or have the promotional programs to be broadcasted on radio and television channels within the scope of compulsory broadcasting in order to explain the rights and obligations of the voters and electoral works and procedures during the election 

7. To inform the citizens through the promotional programs about the importance and arrangement methods of the electoral register as well as duties and responsibilities of the voters

8. To take all kinds of measures to facilitate the voting of disabled voters

9. To take measures to facilitate the voting of voters abroad

10. To cooperate with the organizations in Türkiye and abroad on the matters falling into within the field of its duty

11. To exercise the other functions given to it by the Constitution and laws.