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Zanzibar Electoral Commission of Tanzania
EMB : Tume ya Uchaguzi Zanzibar
Join : 2013
EMB Information

· Year of Establishment​ : 1984

· Number of staff at EMB

 - The Chairman who is a Judge in the High Court of any Commonwealth Country or a respected person in society.

 - 2 Commissioners appointed by the President, with the recommendation of the leader of government activities in the House of Representatives. The leader of government activities is the Zanzibar Chief Minister.

 - 2  Commissioners appointed by the President with the recommendation of the leader of the opposition in the House of Representatives.

 - 1 Commissioner from among the Judges of the High Court or Court of appeal.

 - 1 Commissioner appointed by the President as he sees fit.

· Main functions of EMB :

 - The supervision of the election of the President, members of the House of Representatives and local government

 - The promotion and regulation of voters’ education

 - The demarcation of constituencies

 - The maintenance of a permanent voters’ register