- National Elections Commission of South Sudan
- EMB : National Elections Commission
- Join : 2013
- EMB Information
· Year of Establishment : 2012
- Art 197 of Transitional Constitution
· Number of Members at EMB : 8
- approved by National Legislative Assembly
· Main functions of EMB :
- The determination of electoral constituencies.
- The issue of general rules of elections and referenda, procedures and schedules for campaigning, agents and observers, registration, polling and the count of the vote.
- The dissemination of forms and formats to be used, the preparation of the necessary documents, the determination of the procedure for the withdrawal of nomination and the publication of the final list of approved candidates.
- The establishment and maintenance of liaison and co-operation with political parties.
- The postponement of procedures of elections or referenda for any compelling reason and the determination of new dates, the cancelation of results in any centre or geographical constituency by a decision of the Court if there was corruption in the
correctness of the procedure and the rectification of those procedures and the reorganization of the polling within sixty days.
- To take action against people or officials who engage in corrupt or illegal actions.
-The creation of an organizational chart of the Commission and the Secretariat General, the determination of the terms and conditions of service for the employees, the formation of committees required, the establishment of executive offices in Southern Sudan and all the States of Sudan and the recruitment of staff.
- The adoption of an annual current budget and budgets for elections and referenda processes.