- Electoral Tribunal of Panama(TE)
- EMB : Tribunal Electoral
- Website : http://www.tribunal-electoral.gob.pa
- Join : 2013
- EMB Information
· Year of Establishment : 1956
· Number of Staffs at EMB : 3 magistrates
· Main functions of EMB:
- Direct and supervise the registration of birth, marriage, death, and legal acts related to the civil status of people.
- Accurately guarantee the identification of the people registered in the institution.
- Guarantee the freedom, honesty and efficacy of popular suffrage.
- Guarantee that political parties and candidates of free nomination, express political pluralism for the perfection of democracy.
- Guarantee the political participation of political parties and free candidates.
- Exercise electoral criminal justice as provided by law.
- Continuously improve the services provided, supported by decentralization and the use of reliable and effective technologies, contributing to education, civic-electoral participation, and strengthening of our democracy, to leave the legacy of a better country for future generations.