- Supreme Electoral Court of Costa Rica(TSE)
- EMB : Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones
- Website : http://www.tse.go.cr/
- Join : 2013
- EMB Information
· Year of Establishment : 1949
· Number of Staffs at EMB : 3 magistrates and 3 deputies, however one year and six months after the General Elections 2 of the deputies become magistrates to form a new Tribunal of 5 members.
· Main functions of EMB :
- Call popular elections
- Name the members of the Electoral Councils
- Interpret in exclusive and mandatory manner the constitutional and legal dispositions in reference to electoral material
- Have knowledge of the appealable resolutions that the Civil Registry and the Electoral Councils dictate
- Investigate through delegates and decide on all denunciations made by parties on the political partiality of the Estate civil workers on the exercise of their duties and of prohibited political activities.
- Dictate, in respect to the Public Force, the pertinent measures for the electoral processes that are developed in conditions of non-restricted guarantees and liberties.
- Execute the definitive scrutiny of voting in the elections for President & Vice president of the Republic, Deputies of the Legislative Assembly, members of Municipalities and Representatives of Constituency Assemblies
- Pronounce the final results in the elections for Presidency and Vice presidency of the nation, within 30 days of the election day and in the deadline set according to the law and other functionaries.