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Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Bolivia(OEP) map
Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Bolivia(OEP)
EMB : Tribunal Supremo Electoral
Website : http://www.oep.org.bo
Join : 2013
EMB Information

· Main functions of EMB :

 - Organize, direct, supervise, administer and execute the electoral processes at the national, departmental, regional and municipal level, including referenda and revocations. 

 - Delimit constituencies for all levels of elections 

 - determine the number and location of polling precincts nationwide 

 - Tabulate and announce the results of all national electoral processes 

 - Register, verify and disqualify candidates for national elections 

 - Ensure gender parity in political representation 

 - Invite and accredit national and international observers 

 - Maintain public order and safeguard political rights on Election Day 

 - Sanction polling station staff and voters for failure to fulfill their duties 

 - Monitor the media and ensure it observes all applicable rules and regulations during electoral processes 

 - Adjudicate claims and appeals from lower-level bodies as well as political parties and candidates