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General Election Supervisory Agency of Indonesia map
General Election Supervisory Agency of Indonesia
EMB : Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum
Website : https://www.bawaslu.go.id/
Join : 2019
EMB Information

· Year of Establishment: 2007


· Number of Members: 5 


· Main functions of EMB:

The Agency's role is restricted to supervising election administration. It is responsible for organizing standards of election administration supervisory work procedure to serve as a guideline for election supervisors in every level (national, provincial, municipal, etc).


In order to supervise and ensure the administration of a fair election, both by preventive and responsive measures, the agency is tasked with

- supervising preparations before an election

- the administration of an election as it is ongoing

- manage and store documents and archives, monitoring the enforcement of election offences by the competent authorities

- supervising the enforcement of election offence convictions

- evaluating supervision of election

- publishing an election supervisory report

- other duties as prescribed by applicable laws and provision.