- National Electoral Council of the Republic of Colombia (CNE)
- EMB : Consejo Nacional Electoral
- Website : https://www.cne.gov.co/
- Join : 2017
- EMB Information
· Year of Establishment : 1988
· Number of Staffs at EMB : 9 (judges elected by the Congress of the Republic for a period of (4) years)
· Main functions of EMB :
- Exercise the supreme inspection, surveillance and control of the electoral organization
- Scrutinize any national vote, make the declaration of election and issue the credentials that may apply.
- Serve as a consultative body of the Government in matters of its competence, present draft legislative acts and the law, and recommend draft decrees.
- Enforce the rules on parties and political movements.
- Recognize and revoke the legal status of political parties and movements.
- Monitor and control the financing of political campaigns and the financing of political parties.
- Monitor and control the publication of electoral polls.