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Election Data

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El Salvador

○ Presidential Election 

 - Seats: 1

 - Term of office: 5 years


 Parliamentary Elections 

· Legislative Assembly 

 - Seats: 84

 - Term of office: 3 years


 Election system 

· Number of polling stations: 9,568 polling stations

· Opening and closing time of polling stations

-  7 am and 5 pm respectively

· Number of registered voters: 5,268,411 (2019 election)

· Voter turnout: 51.88% (2019 presidential election)

· Voting age: 18 

Presidential : absolute majority through two round system

Legislative Assembly : open-list proportional representation, preferential candidate system (cross-voting) 


· Voting process: Verify National ID Card -> Receive Ballots -> Mark Ballots -> Cast Ballots



· Counting process 

  1. Manual Count in Voting Center 

  2. The tally sheets will be transmitted electronically to a central data center in San Salvador to be validated and tabulated.

  3. Preliminary results announce. 

  4. The results will also be disseminated by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) through live transmission and the internet. 

  5. Final vote counting and tabulation is done by the TSE in San Salvador at the National Processing Center.


· Time to take to announce voting results in the country: Preliminary results must be announced at 100% in 72 hours and final results are announced around one month after end of election day.