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A-WEB Election Visitor Program aims to increase understanding of different election systems and to share and spread better practices through observing the election administration of member EMBs, as the article 4.1. of the A-WEB Charter; Encourage the development and promotion of a democratic culture and an environment conducive to the holding of free, fair, transparent and participative elections.

Year Election
2023 Sectional Elections, Election of Councilors of the Council of Participation & Social Control and Referendum in Ecuador
2022 Parliamentary Elections and Presidential Primaries in Colombia, Presidential Elections (1st round) in Colombia
2021 Local Elections in Paraguay, Election in India (virtual program)
2020 Elections in the Dominican Republic, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Peru and the United States (virtual programs included)
2019 Elections in Indonesia and the Republic of Korea
2018 Legislative and Local Council Elections in El Salvador and elections in four countries including Ecuador, the Republic of Korea, Russia and Sri Lanka
2017 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Ecuador and elections in eleven countries including Albania, Armenia, Bolivia, Croatia, Indonesia, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Paraguay, the Republic of Korea and Russia
2016 Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina and elections in eleven countries including Belarus, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, Romania, the United States and Uzbekistan
2015 Parliamentary Elections in Kyrgyzstan and elections in four countries including Croatia, Indonesia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
2014 Nationwide Simultaneous Local Elections in the Republic of Korea

※ Marked in boldface were the target elections of the Election Visitor Program organized by the Secretariat

A-WEB Election Visitor Program 2014
Date : 2015-08-12