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Election Data

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 Presidential Election  

 - Term of office: 6 years


 Parliamentary Elections

 - Seats: 128

 - Term of office: 4 years


 Election system

 · Number of polling stations: 6,793

 · Number of registered voters: 3,746,483 (2018 election)

 · Voter turnout: 49.68% (2018 general election)

 · Voting age: 21

 - Presidential: Indirect by the Parliament.

 - Parliamentary

   1. Plurality vote in multi-member constituencies

   2. The electoral system is multiple non-transferable votes with confessional quotas.


· Voting process 

 1. passed out a prepared ballot​ to voters by leaders of the community.

 2. Mark on a blank piece of paper or bring a prepared ballot that already has the names of a list of candidates printed on it. 

 3. Cast ballots for as many candidates across the number of seats available 


· Time to take to announce voting results in the country: 1 day