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A-WEB Visitor Program for 2023 Paraguayan Elections
Last updated 2023-05-09


At the invitation of the Superior Court of Electoral Justice (TSJE) of Paraguay, A-WEB sent a Mission to observe its 2023 general elections. 


Before all members of the A-WEB Mission arrived in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, Director General Gwanjae Choi, Professor Dandoy, and Deputy Director Jinju Jo got to meet Judge Fabiana Marin, who led the 2018 A-WEB Mission to Ecuador 2018 despite her busy schedule. 






Judge Marin told us how hard everyone in TSJE had been committed to preparing for the upcoming elections on 30 April after a massive fire at the TSJE's facility where its electronic voting devices were stored. The A-WEB team also had a chance to visit other facilities, including the Directorate of Information & Communication Technology, where election results and polling stations' status are reported and collected. 


The A-WEB Mission conducted its activities from 27 April to 1 May.






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